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manchester bee
The worse thing i can be is the same as everyone else....
Arnold Schwarzenegger 

"Hello there"

Quite simply, I’m a Freelance Manchester-based Graphic Designer and Artist

with a flair for delivering fun, friendly, effective and powerful creative

I am passionate about delivering solutions that exude

their own unique personality are authentic.

Using all my creative and Art and Design skills
Working with my clients in the process in building there branding 

To start with I often encourage having an initial chat

to talk through ideas, whilst enabling me to gain a better
understanding of what may be required to support any

individual, business or organization accurately 

So if you have any creative idea, suggestion or
problem that you may care to discuss in more
detail, for a no obligation consultation (sorry
friendly chat), simply message me by clicking the link below or

fill out the contact form to get started.

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© 2023 Ben Flay  Designs manchester UK

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